Millions of people all over the world believe that they don’t have enough time at their disposal every day. How does it happen that others are able to complete a bunch of tasks during the same period of time?

Maybe those are simply special people, who really get stuck into their work or these individuals have understood that time recording is directly related to their own productivity and thereby to the work that is done.

1. It keeps you attentive and in the present time

No one likes to waste time. Furthermore: no one wants to believe that he is wasting time. Despite the desire to change, it can easily become second nature to us to visit social networks several times a day: at the first moment, this might still be justified by thinking that it was just for a few minutes. However, this can easily add up to several hours a day, in which you are staring at the screen and wasting precious time.

By recording time, you are able to be attentive and address yourself to your tasks. Someone who has a soft spot or even an obsession for social media should compile a to-do list before recording time. If you realize that the time spent on social networks is excessive anyhow, you should consider deleting your accounts or plan a precise period of time for visiting social networks.

2. You will find time you didn’t even know it existed

We often overestimate how much time it takes to complete a task. That’s why we feel overstrained and it frightens us that we need longer to complete it, or we procrastinate the completion as long as possible. You could easily increase the period of time until the next task by writing down the time needed to do the housework or another activity.

3. You will feel obliged to give account

To record the spent time and keep an eye on it will help you to get a hold of yourself in all aspects of your life. If you record your time, you will automatically feel obliged. No one else will check where and how you have spent your time. Let’s assume you are a person who spends one hour per day during work to surf the Internet. Even though you will feel a little guilty, this feeling is passing quickly.

If you record the time, you will see every day how much time you are wasting. This leads to a reduction of time spent in this area when you have to complete urgent tasks. When you start feeling responsibility in one area of your life, this will automatically happen in other areas of your life as well. You will tend to deny the truth to a lesser extent.

4. You will have the ability to take more responsibility

If you record your time, whether as a freelancer or an employee, you will realize after a while, that you have more leisure time. You will thereby feel unproductive. In these situations, you will now have the opportunity to take more responsibility. You could ask your employer for additional tasks or call potential clients and start to do preparation work.

At home, you could take on additional tasks, especially if your partner is working hard as well. You could eventually complete commenced projects. In your private life, you will have the possibility to get involved on a voluntary basis or to perfect a craft you’ve always wanted to learn. When you have realized that you’ve got a lot of time at your disposal, you can take a position with more responsibility in your association or organization.

5. You will improve your ability to concentrate

Multitasking ruins every opportunity for productivity right from the start. While you would like to complete several tasks at once, your brain is not really prepared for it. Things will be forgotten or tasks will not be performed well. If you record your time, you will rather spend precious minutes on completing one task instead of going back and forth between several. If you know that a task must be completed in 15 minutes, you will do it as best as you can. After a while you will be able to keep clear 30 minutes or an hour for simple tasks without being tempted to manage all at once. This also plays an important role regarding meditation and training. If you have a fixed schedule or record the time which you need for these activities, you will be much better in concentrating on your current activity. If you are interested to keep an eye on a reasonable use of your time, check our App COMPANY for free today.

Are you interested to keep track on where you spend your time? Then you should try our free app Time & Bill.